PCA COVID – 19 Update (17/06/20):

  • Diploma of Business Administration students are transitioning into a blended learning mode following almost 3 months of online learning due to our recent COVID-19 shutdown. We are currently phasing these students back into a classroom learning environment. Enrolments are open for this course (June 2020 and February 2021).
  • Diploma of Social Media Marketing students are currently studying fully online. Enrolments are open for this course (February 2021).
  • Diploma of Hospitality Management – Enrolments have been put on hold at this point in time as Government restrictions placed on the hospitality industry mean that PCA cannot fulfil all of training and assessment requirements for these students. We would also like to make sure the hospitality industry has recovered adequately so that we can maintain graduate employment.

For more information, please contact PCA Management by email info@pca.edu.au or by calling (02) 8252 9963. For all Student Recruitment enquiries, please contact Jacob Munday by email at jacobm@pca.edu.au