Student Life
Patrick's College Australia (PCA) is a tight-knit community where life-long friendships are formed. Our students are often from outside the Sydney CBD, so coming to the City for study straight out of school can be a big deal!
Our campus is conveniently located near some of Sydney's top shopping and entertainment destinations. Students are able to take advantage of this during lunch breaks and after class by enjoying everything Sydney has to offer. This might include a beverage at the Opera Bar, lunch by Darling Harbour, a coffee in the QVB, or shopping at David Jones! Furthermore, the City of Sydney is a great fun place for friendships and student life to flourish.
We also join together as a college community to celebrate certain days during the year. They include, but are not limited to, the following:
International Women's Day is celebrated each year by students and staff on the 8th of March. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. As most of our students are young women, this is an important day for solidarity among friends.
The Feast Day of St Patrick (St Patrick's Day) is celebrated each year by all staff and students on the 17th of March. This has been an important day of celebration in the life of the College for almost 100 years. On this day, staff and students join together by wearing green and a fundraising event is organised by students.
Students and Staff also gather to celebrate Easter and Christmas as a college community.
Students are also encouraged to come up with new ideas to help the flourishing of student life.